Friday, 20 July 2012


"Always remember your focus determines your reality."
Qui-Gon to Anakin,star wars episode 1

A short story about focus by Coach Al Johnson:
For weeks a lion tamer in-training had observed his teacher very carefully.He paid close attention to every move his teacher made,especially the timing.He asked many good questions and just about everything made perfect sense to him.However,one thing stood out as odd. Each time his teacher entered the lions cage he took a stool in with him and always pointed it with the legs towards the lions face.
Puzzled as to why this was,he asked yet another good question, "Teacher,why is it that you never enter the lions cage without the stool,i have watched you carefully for weeks now and i do not understand."
The teacher responded, "Yet another wise observation you have made.Pointing the four legs of the stool to the lions face causes him to try and focus on all four at once.This act tames him as it divides his focus and sends him into a state of paralysis."
This story illustrates the power of focus.As you look at your life,career,are you focused or paralyzed by a lack of focus.Through focus we can achieve great things,you can set priorities,give attention to the task ahead and deliver great results.
One of mans greatest challenges is staying focused,in a fast paced,technology driven world,we live in.But staying focused is perhaps the best way to get things done,with our lives and career.So how do we keep our eyes on the ball when its bouncing around from court to court?
How many goals are you chasing right now? " if you are chasing more than one thing,you are likely to come empty handed."
You end up all over the place without focus.A lack of focus will cause you to exact much effort and accomplish very little.
Through focus we are able to set priorities,concentrate on tasks at hand and deliver very high results.
Here are a  few ways you should focus and achieve high results;

  • Focus on one thing
" I have asked one thing
 from the LORD—
 it’s all I seek—
 to live in the LORD’s house
 all the days of my life,
 seeing the LORD’s beauty
 and constantly adoring his temple." 
Psalms 27:4(Common English Bible)
Even David understood the power of focusing on Just One thing. "I have asked one thing from the lord-its all i seek",when you seek too many things at the same time,you will likely end up with achieving non. 
"He who chases two rabbits catches none" Confucius
Most of us are chasing a dozen rabbits at the same time and a few elephants.Multitasking is a productivity nightmare,if you will be productive you got to be focused one one thing.
How can we focus? 
Set Priorities-distinguish the important from the immediate.There will always be many things to do,but there will be the one number one thing,do that first.
In economics we call it have a scale of preference.Draw up a list according to the order of most important to less important.Focus on the most important,take it one after the order,one step at a time.
You become what you focus on,your focus becomes your reality.
All that we are,is a result of what we put our thoughts on.
No life ever grows great,until it is focused,disciplined and dedicated.
"God will keep in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on him"
What is that one thing you desire?keep your focus on it and you will achieve it.

  • Write it down
Priorities not written down may never be achieved.
Get a diary or Journal and write it down.
Write down your main goal and put a deadline on your goals.The deadline gives you a sense of urgency.Everything that has a start must have an End.Its important you write it down,so you can see it and read it daily.
Write down your main goal and smaller steps that you must take daily to achieve that main goal.
Make the steps short and simple.Write at least three to five things you must do daily to achieve your goals and do them.
  • Give quality time to your goals
Setting goals is not enough,but you must give quality time to working on your goals.Quality time to planning and thinking about your goals and also working to achieving it.What you give your time to,tells much about you.
Spend quality time with video or audio tapes,books and anything that will positively move you in the direction of your dreams.
The internet is such a great tool,but lots of us spend more time in chatting with people,discussing irrelevant things.Find out information,read articles and watch messages on you tube,make the most of the tool of the internet.
How much time daily,do you give to building yourself,take out quality time,time spent on developing of yourself is time spent in the bettering of your future.
  • Avoid distractions
" But when you pray, go to your room, shut the door, and pray to your Father who is present in that secret place. Your Father who sees what you do in secret will reward you." Matthew 6:6 
 When ever i want to have my devotion,i put off my phone and shut my mind from anything else,so i can focus on God alone.This is the same attitude you must put up in life,if you are going to achieve your dreams.
"The first rule of focus is this, where ever you are,be there"
If you must achieve anything daily,you must cut yourself off from some people,turn off your phone,put off your television,put off your chat browser.Choose an environment that will encourage your focus. Create the right atmosphere for work,choose the best time,especially when everyone has gone to bed and is sleeping.
The attitude you give to your devotions,would affect your life,either positively or negatively.

  • Calm your Mind
One of the biggest distractions are the thoughts racing through our minds,when we are trying to get something done.Don't listen to them,take charge and redirect your mind to the job at hand.
The environment you choose to work in affects your success,i most times like to work in a quiet environment with some beautiful slow music,i work better in such environment.
Good music helps you to concentrate and work better.
Another way to calm your mind is meditating on the right things,put your mind on things that are good and positive;
"whatever is true,whatever is noble,whatever is right,whatever is pure,whatever is lovely,whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things." Philippians 4:8
Another way to calm your mind is to Pray;
"Do not be anxious about anything,but in everything,by prayer and and petition,with thanksgiving,present your request to God."Philippians 4:6 
The prayer of thanksgiving produces results beyond your imagination.

  • Exercise 
Exercise is a very powerful way to reduce stress,as endorphin's are released by the pituitary gland to block out feelings of pain or stress. Serotonin,another chemical released while exercising improves our mood and our sense of happiness.
Exercise creates energy and from experience,it helps you to prepare for the days job.It prepares you for the day mentally and physically
I worked in a firm years ago,that was into sales and promotion,we have a room in that building,were you can not come in except you are excited.We called it motivation room,very loud music and loud noise is allowed in that room,to keep us stirred for the days work,and we also practice our pitching for any product in that room before we go out to the field.
Exercise your mind also,speak to yourself,motivating words and inspiring words,wake up every morning saying loud to yourself,words that will provoke you to do something toward your goals.
Exercise is also responsible for the creation of new neurons in the brain which enable us to process and store information more easily.
"For physical training is of some value" 1Timothy 4:8a
Get that value you get from Exercise.It will profit you here and it will keep you healthy and strong so you can achieve your goals.
"We are what we think,we become what we focus our eyes on,our thoughts and desires and habits,we either ascend to the full divine dignity of our nature or we descend to suffer and learn." J. Todd Ferrier
Doubt is one of the things that breaks our focus,fear is the mother of doubts and the bible makes it clear,that a man who doubts will not receive anything from God ,James 1:6.
When we doubt we move out of position,like having a dislocation,and can't receive,because you already doubted.
The bible says believe,hold on,keep your focus,don't allow the waves of the sea make you loose focus.
When peter lost focus,when you took his eyes off Jesus and put it on the boisterous wind,he began to sink.
when we focus we can do and see the supernatural.Matthew 14:27-31.

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

The Power of Association

The development of your life either positively or negatively is dependent on your association.Who your friends are,goes a long way to determine your success in life.You can not improve more than the people you spend more of your time with.When you choose friends,chose those who will add value to your life and not those who will make your life reduce in value.We may not have the choice to choose our biological parents,but we sure have the choice on the association we keep.What are your goals and vision for life? let your goals determine who your friends are.I would like to share thoughts of a few great men on the Power of Association.
Colin Powell,who was one time Secretary of State of the United States of America,has this to say on the power of association:
 “The less you associate with some people, the more your life will improve. 
Any time you tolerate mediocrity in others, it increases your mediocrity.
 An important attribute in successful people is their impatience with negative thinking and negative acting people. As you grow, your associates will change. Some of your friends will not want you to go on. They will want you to stay where they are. Friends that don’t help you climb will want you to crawl. Your friends will stretch your vision or choke your dream. Those that don’t increase you will eventually decrease you".
You need to realize that you don't need too many people in your life if you must achieve your dreams.You must be able to distinguish your friends from your fans.Stay with friends who motivate you and encourage you to go for your dreams.There are so many people who are just around you and they add nothing to your life.
I use the pareto principle,i spend 20% of my time with 80% of people who add little value to my life and 80% of my time with the 20% that add more value to my life,thats the secrete of productivity.
I worked in a marketing company in the UK years ago,and i remenber my director used to say,if you will be a success in this company you must spend most of your time being friends with those we call high rollers,we say Roll with the high Rollers,those who consistently make more money and sell more,and i became a high Roller in a short time because my best friend was the guy who sold the most and i learnt from him.
This is so important,if you get this you will experience not just a mental change but a spiritual and physical change,we must understand that real change starts in your mind,even the bible says Evil communication corrupts good manners" no matter how strong you seem,the wrong company affects you negatively.Show me your friends and i will tell you who you are,i dont need a prophet to tell you were you are going to end,all i need is to see those you hang out with,you can change were you are going to today,by changing your association.
Be careful who speaks into your life,never tell your problems to those who cannot contribute to the solutions.never follow those who are not going anywhere,with some people you spend and evening but with others you invest it.
Wise is the person who fortifies his life with the right friendships. If you run with wolves, you will learn how to howl, but if you associate with eagles, you will learn how to soar to great heights.
“A mirror reflects a man’s face, but what he is really like is shown by the kind of friends he chooses.” The simple but true fact of life is that you become like those with whom you closely associate – for the good and the bad. ( Colin Powell )
According to Rohn Jim,we become the combined average of the five people we hang around the most.The people we spend our time with will determine what conversations dominate our attention and what observations,attitudes and opinions we repeatedly are introduced to.
The lesson Jim Rohn wants you to learn is that,we will have the combined attitude,health and income of five people you hang around with.Imagine this,Les Brown puts it this way,that you earn two to three thousand dollars of your closest friends.If everyone you know,earns nothing more than a 100dollars,you can imagine what you are likely to earn.
Evaluate your associations into three categories:

  1. Disassociation: decide the quality of life you want to live then associate yourself with people who represent and support that vision.There are some people you might need to break away from completely,it might not be easy,but you cannot surround yourself with negative influences,kiss them goodbye,it might be a girlfriend.
  2. Limited Associations:Decide how much you can be influenced based on how those people represent themselves.There are people you can spend 3hours with and not 3days and others 3minutes and not 3hours.Spend your time wisely,smartly and make sure its productive.
  3. Expanded Associations:What ever area you want to see improvement on,find those who represent the success you want,could be parenting skills,academic success,relationships,the life style you want,and spend time with them.Join organisations, businesses,and health clubs were this people are and make friends with them.
Associations are both subtle and powerful,we must be careful.Take time out and start,evaluating your friendships,you cant please everyone,you must be concerned about your future,spend your time with those who can add value to your life,those who motivate you.
I leave you with this,from John Maxwell:
spend time with great people
visit great places
Attend great events
Read great books
Listen to great tapes.

Saturday, 7 July 2012

What truly is success?

I am so moved and inspired to write this today and I hope you can truly understand my motivation. Today I read a very long story about a man who today is termed a success, this is not the first I have read of various men, coming from the back side of life and today they have made it to the top, and they give us this long story of how they made it.  He said so much on how he struggled through his life, and how now he has attained success. Great story very inspiring but I have an issue and I want you to reason with me, you reading this right now.
 I want to ask a question, what truly is success? I have heard so many definitions, let me let you in on some. Owning a business? Or buying a Lexus jeep? Or owning a mansion of Gold? Or been married to Miss world? Or having kids? Or travelling the world? Is that your definition of success? What does it mean to you? Most of the so called successful men and women, we see today, either die broke or commit suicide, they have broken marriages, and may be have married four or five times. Most of them are unhappy; any success that takes away your peace, joy and love and family from you is not true success. I want to think of success in another angle and I think it’s the most important.
Success is not an achievement, it’s not a one time achievement, oh, I finally bought my dream car, that’s not success. I will again define it in the following way. Success is a journey and not a destination, don’t think of success as a place but see it as a path. Success is a journey you can enjoy one day at a time. Success is a daily thing; you can be successful one day or one decision at a time. “If you can handle today correctly, tomorrow you can take care of yourself”
Success is a decision at a time, you don’t become a success when you get a diploma, you become a success when you decided to go to college, when you get your diploma you get the rewards of success.
The best definition of success I have ever read is the one given by my mentor, John Maxwell, saying, “SUCCESS IS KNOWING YOUR PURPOSE IN LIFE, GROWING TO REACH YOUR MAXIMUM POTENTIAL AND SOWING SEEDS TO BENEFIT OTHERS”
It only starts with discovering your purpose, then growing to reach your maximum potential, but a lot of people stop here and call it success, sorry you are not yet successful according to Gods standard, in fact you are poor. The part that really makes you a success is SOWING SEEDS TO BENEFIT OTHERS, in the first place why would God allow us into so much wealth, so we can buy a car? No! So we can own a house, certainly not its more than that, so we can reach and affect the lives of others.
He told Abraham “I will bless you and make you a blessing” so my conclusion is; your life of success actually starts when you start to sow seeds that will benefit others, you have so much and people around you, are hungry, you are not a success but a failure.
 In Africa the rate of poverty is so high, children are hungry and suffering, people are homeless and live on the streets; a lot of persons have turned to prostitution and crime to survive. But just one man rides a car that costs two million five hundred thousand dollars. One man steals over six billion naira from a state treasury and enriches him and family. Some of the richest men in the world today are recorded to have come from Africa, but still Africa cries to the rest of the world for help.
The next generation needs to get it right, we don’t need to wait for bill gates to come help us, or the United States of America but we have what it takes.
This is my definition of success, giving back to society, helping the less privileged, feeding the hungry, giving homes to the homeless, creating jobs for others.Dont be rich alone, carry others along, help someone else have a life.
James defined true religion James 1:27
“Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you”

Sunday, 1 July 2012


God’s life is the best quality of life, it’s a life that never dies and never goes deem. This life is not sustained by our body system, but it’s sustained by Gods spirit. When a king is anointed in the Old Testament, the bible immediately records that he becomes another man, like the anointing on him changes him entirely, like a transformation takes place.
God put his life in us, and that quality of life changes us totally inside out. We are different; we are not ordinary, because the source of our life is from the supernatural. This life within us has the potential to quicken our mortal bodies to life eternal. Romans 8:11
You are not ordinary; you are the very representation of god here in this world. The life should reflect in all we do, academics, business, family. We are the very image and likeness of God. We are not ordinary.
But why do we live in this world and we still see the degradation, even with the presence of the church, the very people of God. Check the state of the nations of the world, when we talk of the wealthiest men of the world we see only those who don’t believe God, the BILL GATES and Warren Buffets are not saved folks, these men do legal businesses and they don’t have the Holy Spirit, yet make so much impact in the world.
How can we impact our world? We complain of the government and leadership problems all over the world, the corruption, drought, floods, the deaths, terrorism, why are we here? There is no time to waste, we have been talking about finding your purpose, but you must grow to reach our maximum potential.
We read of our brother Daniel in the book of Daniel, it’s said of Daniel that he was a man that has an excellent spirit, an exceptional spirit, a man who distinguished himself that he was made a ruler in his time. The king Nebuchadnezzar was not a Christian, in a kingdom were the king wasn’t a believer Daniel makes the difference. Daniel 5:12; 6:3.
The Holy Spirit makes that difference in us, Job said that there is a spirit in man and the spirit of the almighty gives him understanding. The presence of God distinguishes you the believer.
We need to be men of understanding, Paul said and my lord shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory, through Christ Jesus, GOD takes care of your need and you take care of your wants.
I know a very fat sister, who believes God that she will be slim, and still eats fatty foods, sorry sister, you will get fatter. It’s not the job of the Holy Ghost to make you slim, what you have is called fats, and it can be burnt out by jogging and dropping on your intake of fatty foods and cream and oily meals, stop troubling God about what you can handle.
We are just been lazy, that’s why we cannot make any impact, and we expect the lord to take care of everything so we can just relax and eat and be fat.
We must grow to reach our maximum potential, how? By working, practicing and exercising our gifts as the opportunities arise. We got no time to be lazy about our lives and futures.
I would like to share with you some sights that are very important for success in life, when we speak of sight, we are talking about the way you see, your ability to see. How you are able to perceive situations will help in bringing about solution. Perception is everything, your perceptions determines your attitude.
·         SIGHT:
 When we talk of sight, we are referring to your ability to see, with your eyes you can see the natural, but we are not talking about your physical eyes we are talking about your minds eyes. Sight speaks of your view, your perspective of life and situations. That perspective built overtime is called mindset. When we talk of mindset, we talk of a habitual or characteristic mental attitude, which determines how you will interpret or respond to situations.
We all respond to situations differently, why? Because we see things differently, trained from different backgrounds. Mindset are like spectacles, when you put a pink spectacle on, everything turns pink in your eyes. Some people sees things very negatively because of their mindset, our mindset affects our relationships with people, our attitude to work and life.
A mindset can either be negative or positive; we need to maintain a positive mindset to have success and to be successful in life. Someone with a negative mindset trust nobody, gets easily worried, full of fear all the time and believes nothing and nobody, cannot work with anyone, other than themselves, complains about everyone, always right never takes to corrections because they believe that they are better, there are those who look down on others because they have a mindset of the kind of people they can relate with, that’s a negative mindset and it’s not good for success.
A positive mindset for example been kind to others, and treating older people with respect, going to work early. Your mindset helps you in building the right values. So your mindset affects the way you see people and things.
Mindsets are learned as a result of the experiences we have had in our lives. The thoughts, beliefs, assumptions, and attitudes about ourselves and the world around us are conclusions we arrive at, based on what has happened in our lives. We learn things in different ways. We may learn from direct experiences, the media, observing what other people do, and listening to what people say. This means that our experiences in our childhood, family of origin, and the particular society we lived in, schools we went to, and with our friends – all these have influenced our thoughts and beliefs about all sorts of things, including ourselves, eating, body shape and weight, and control. When we arrive at particular conclusions about ourselves or the world and others, we may also begin to behave in certain ways as a result of these conclusions. When this happens, our behavior then serves to reinforce or strengthen that conclusion.
It may be helpful to think of your mind as a DVD player and your mindsets as a collection of DVDs. What you see on the screen depends on what DVD is being played. Everyone has different mindsets within themselves, different ‘DVDs’, for example a ‘work’ DVD or a ‘friends’ DVD. These get activated in different settings, and influence your thinking and behavior differently when you’re at work or out with friends.
There is a right mindset for achieving success in life, there are guys that have the mindset that using any means whether legal or illegal means is okay, but that is a wrong mindset.
The bible says that, we should not be conformed to the mindset of this world, the world has a mindset and God has a mindset, but we should be transformed,metamorphosed;a marked change in appearance,character,condition and function, a total change from inside out. Romans 12:2
Without this change you cannot comprehend what the will of God is.This is a process, it’s not magic but a change that occurs when you come in contact with the word of God and yield to its working in your life.
Paul further stated, let this mindset which was in Christ be in you. This attitude; Philippians 2:5 and in 1corinthians 2:5b says; we have the mindset of Christ.
The word of God is complete, it teaches you the mind set of Christ and that’s what a believer should possess. It teaches you Gods mindset on business, relationships, love, marriage, success, money and so on.
Take time to develop the right mindset for success, the book of Matthew 6:22-23, puts it better, “the eye is the lamp of the body, if your eyes are sound, your whole body will be full of light, but if otherwise it will be full of darkness”. Simply put, your sight of life, determines the direction of your life.

to be continued....