"What you need to know about the past is that no matter what has happened,it has all worked together to bring you to the very moment,and this is the moment you can choose to make everything new,Right now"
When I look back in
retrospect at my life and the experiences that have molded the person I am today,
I would say I am glad at the way things have turned out for me, I know I am not
where I ought to be but I know I am not where I used to be.
Our life today is a series
of different experiences that either makes us positively or negatively. The
mindset that we have today, the attitude and habits that we have today are a
result of our past experiences.
Experiences don't make us
except we allow them to. We are a product of our decisions of yesterday. In my
country we say “you make your bed the way you want to lie on it"
Mike Murdock says "Don't
complain about what you permit"
We are actually the
architect of the future we desire to have. No man can actually take responsibility
for the future we eventually have but us. People come into your lives for a
purpose and a time; nobody stays in your life forever. We have friends today,
we even call them best friends but something happens and they are no more our
Only the lazy and the
irresponsible blame others for what they turn out to become.
Some of us have experiences
we don't want to remember, in the past, things we rather forget and keep away
from people, I do have some too. But I would like to say to you, “your
life is a combination of your past experiences, you cannot have a today without
a yesterday”.
Our past whether good or bad
is important for what we eventually become.
I always tell people the experience is not the
problem but how you let it affect you, positively or negatively. Some people have
killed themselves because of something that happened to them, some have lost it
and gone crazy, some live in an asylum right now, because they couldn’t handle it,
some don't talk to anyone secluded themselves from family and friends because
they are hurt, some even hate everyone else in the world, some have turned to
alcohol and are destroying their lives.
But if you must be a success
in this life you must stand up and face your past, face your haters, those who
treated you bad and stop running from them. I would like to let you know that you are
no more living in yesterday but today,dont allow your past determine how you
live today, instead use your past to make a better today, let the experiences
of your past motivate you positively for a better life today.
Think of the kind of life
you want to have and go for it. Don’t let the hurt and pain caused by others
make you put your life on a hold. Don’t allow forgiveness make you not have a life,
the only person that gets hurt when you keep a grudge is YOU. Let go and let
You have a good life and
future awaiting you, don’t let you destroy yourself.
Yes she hurt you bad, yes he
hurt you really bad, but when you keep a hurt you always stay back and you
never excel 100% the way you ought to.
Your past is gone and you can’t
do anything about it, but you got today and the future ahead of you, make your
life count, make the best out of your today, spend your energy going for your
dreams than to waste it hurting over someone going forward.
You are not what people say
that you are, or what your past is saying, you are what God says you are and
what you are making of yourself and your experiences. Maybe you made a mistake
and so what! Move on, learn from the past mistake and have a life.
Paul shows us what to do, in
Philippian’s 3:12-14:
12 Not that I have now attained [this ideal], or
have already been made perfect, but I press on to lay hold of (grasp) and make
my own, that for which Christ Jesus (the Messiah) has laid hold of me and made
me His own.13 I do not consider,
brethren, that I have captured and made it my own [yet]; but one thing I do [it
is my one aspiration]: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to
what lies ahead,14 I press on toward the
goal to win the [supreme and heavenly] prize to which God in Christ Jesus is
calling us upward.15
Like Paul, you got to press
on to the reason why Christ created you, you need to understand that he created
you with a purpose and for a purpose, but you got to press toward it.There
is a call higher than your past experiences and you need to understand that God
allows you to go through some things, some of our experiences qualify us for
the call, you are better at what you have experience at.
Press forward not backwards,
people who think on their past never get hold of the future that they are meant
to have.
The next thing Paul said is "forgetting
those things that are behind".
Imagine a man running
forward with his eyes closed; he is certainly heading for a fall, that’s
exactly what you do when you focus on those things in your past you will not
get the goal.
Forget those things that are
behind, stop feeling guilty about something that happens ages ago, don’t
restrict yourself because of something you did, you asked for forgiveness he
forgave you move on, stop crying over spilled milk. It’s in the past.
Forget about the hurts, when
I say forget I mean, don’t carry the hurt, of course sometimes you will remember
but with a smile, that you have been delivered. Some of you are pressing on but
still holding on to those things in the past, it’s a weight and in Hebrews 12:2;
Says "drop every weight and every sin
that besets you”, drop every weight, and run toward the goal with all you got.
You are a bestseller in the making,
your story is a combination of the good and the bad and the ugly but you are
still here because you did not allow your past to kill you. God has a beautiful
plan for you and his intent is to give you a good life.
Robert Schuller says
"tough times don’t last but tough people do”.
It’s your choice what you do
and what you become, I am a bestseller in progress.
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