Friday, 28 September 2012


“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”
― Oscar Wilde

The greatest challenge you have to face in this life is not the devil but being yourself in a world where everyone wants you to be someone else.People want you to be what they want.
Sometimes our parents wants us to be what they couldn't be in their lifetime,i have met young men and women,who are in college living their parents dreams,studying a course because its what their parents wanted,dating a boy because he is your parents choice.
Living someone else life and not yours.Imagine how it would look like,at the end of your life you realize you have been living another persons dreams.
I would like to say to you that you are living in a box and you need to break out of it and start to live the life that God has planned for you,even before the foundation of the world,his purpose about you is very clear and he wants you to begin walk in line with his purpose.
Your father had his time and purpose,now is your time and the decisions you make now will determine if you will live a fulfilled life,you were not created to live the dreams of others but God created you to fulfill your dreams and cause others to fulfill theirs also.
lets share some ways you can breakout of the box;

What people can't understand they always fight and try to destroy.
Jesus when he was in this world,the Pharisees could not understand him,they tried to stop him by caging him,but they couldn't.
They called him all kinds of names to discourage him but Jesus knew who he was and lived the very reason he was born.Sometimes we allow people to discourage us and we loose confidence in ourselves.
You need to realize that you are special and God created you for a unique purpose,you don't have to be normal and be like everyone else,be who God created you to be and do what he called you to be,refuse to be a copy,be a maker of history,be different,be yourself.
Don't be afraid of the faces of people,keep your eyes up and not on the faces of men,let God be God,for he is able to do just what he said,be yourself.
People are envious that's why they discourage you,they see that you got to be brave and courageous to take the steps you take,so because of the fear that you will become greater and you are different to try to destroy you,stand strong and stay at being yourself.
You are a star..


I believe that you have no right to love others if you cant love yourself.
The bible says esteem others above yourself,doesn't mean that you should loose your self esteem,but that as you keep your esteem in tact,esteem others.
A man that has no respect for himself cannot respect others,you can only give what you are,people who disrespect others actually have no respect for themselves,so i encourage you to learn to love yourself,give yourself a treat,buy a gift for yourself.
Stop playing a pity party,people are usually attracted to happy people and not sad people,the reason you don't have friends is because you never smile,you always put up a sad face and that scares others,put a smile on your face,be happy,celebrate you and see how it will attract people to you.
Sometimes its so easy to appreciate others but you feel guilty when appreciated by others,celebrate yourself,celebrate the gift that you are,thank God for you,you spend your time thanking God for others but you,spend sometime to thank God for you,you will only attract what you respect.

Take out time to forgive those people who hurt you in the past,i have taught that when you hold un-forgiveness in your heart,you have only caged yourself and not the person who hurt you.
I know its hard and its not easy,but you have the power to let go,you can do it,release yourself,give it a try and see how free you would be,when you forgive the one that hurt you.
Forgiveness brings freedom,total freedom,so let go and let god,when you hold on to the hurt,you restrict yourself and put your life on a hold,release yourself and be free totally from pain and hurts,you have the power.

At sundry times we wait for others to make us feel good,most of what we do we always seek the complement of others "what did they say;what will my mother say;what will my friends say" stop doing things hoping to be encouraged by others.
If you can't encourage yourself no one will,because no one really understands you,be like David who in the time of a challenge,the bible says and "David encouraged himself in the lord" stop waiting for others,start speaking sweet words of encouragement to yourself,start prophesying to yourself.
Be the first to buy your product,be excited about yourself,nobody will celebrate your gift before you,so be encouraged,"be strong in the lord and in the power of his might.." encourage yourself.
I dare you to breakout of your box,come out of the shell,start doing things the way God has gifted you,don't be a copy,be an original.Rise up and shine,the stage is set and the moment you have been waiting for has come,everyone is waiting for you to come forth,arise and shine.
Breakout of the box,your box of insecurity,fear of the unknown,lack of confidence in yourself,your fears that has made you crippled that you cannot move to where God wants you to be,breakout and surprise yourself,start doing what you couldn't do,you are who God says you are,you are Gods property.

Friday, 21 September 2012


We walk by faith and not by sight.2Corinthians 5:7.


Sight speaks of our senses what we see,what we can feel.when a man walks in his sight he is walking in the natural.
God gave us our senses to help us relate to the earth.we are in this world though not of this world.
The faith sight,rules all the others,the faith sight is the sight that operates from the supernatural.The supernatural rules the natural,so we must develop our faith sight,which is the sixth sense.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.Hebrews 11:1
Our senses relates only to things they can either see or fee,but men of faith walk on what is not seen,because what is not seen is eternal.2Corinthians 4:18.
How can you achieve your vision,your purpose without faith in God?
“By faith,Abraham,when called to go to a place,he would later receive as his inheritance,obeyed and went,even though he didn't know where he was going..” Hebrews 11:8
Sometimes God would ask you to do something unusual - God asked Abraham to kill his son Isaac and Abraham obeyed,he asked Abraham to leave his kindred and family,Abraham obeyed,he told Abraham that Sarah though she was barren would give birth to child,the bible says Abraham believed God and it was credited to him for righteousness.Romans 4:3,Genesis 15:6.
If you will be great in this life you must have this reckless,on the word of God; faith that Abraham had,such that he was called the father of faith,a man of faith.Galatians 3:9
Sometimes demands are placed on us,your faith must be tested and tried.
What kind of life do you want to live,extra-ordinary men are ordinary people who did extraordinary things,Abraham was an ordinary man who believed God and held on to his word.You want to go to where you have never been do what you have never done.
David was a man of faith he said I will not give to God what cost me nothing,great people make great sacrifices.
What are you willing to give to get you to your destiny.everybody wants to have a good life but no one wants to make the sacrifices,greatness can never be achieved without some level of sacrifice.
Democracy experienced in most parts of Africa today,some men gave their lives for it,what are you willing to give your life for?
Jesus gave his life,Paul said my life is nothing for the gospels sake.If you have nothing you can die for,then you have nothing to live for,then you are going to be ordinary.
Check out the great people of faith mentioned in Hebrews 11,they were all ordinary people,from Enoch to Noah, to Abraham,to Isaac,to Jacob,to Joseph,to Moses,to Rahab,Gideon,Barak,Samson,Jepthah,David,Samuel,and the prophets,they were all ordinary people who did extraordinary things they risked their lives for their faith and purpose in God.
What kind of faith do you have in GOD?
With all their sacrifices they received only commendation but not the promise,they are not made perfect except we rise up and run with the baton.Hebrews 12:1-2;tells us that they are watching us,calling on us to run,because the baton has been passed to us,its now our time and turn.
Imagine we are in a relay,they have done their part and passed the baton on to us,they started well and passed the baton well,now its our turn to finish.
  1. Throw off everything that entangles and the sin that so easily besets us
  2. Run with perseverance the race set before us,cause its not going to be easy,it will be tough.
  3. Fix our eyes on Jesus,totally not on anyone else
Men of faith always sacrifice something to get something greater.

Thursday, 20 September 2012


It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision. 
Helen Keller.

In survey,to get new elevations,we need to locate the backsight and the foresight.The backsight is the reading of the rod on a known elevation and the forsight is an unknown elevation.from the backsight you get the foresight and so on.The backsight is the first reading of the instrument and its vital to be able to secure the elevation on the foresight.
Also the sport of riffle shooting,we still use the sights,backsight and frontsight,when you set the riffle and raise it to aim at the target,you bring the backsight close to your eyes and make sure it measures with the view on the front sight,so you can accurately hit on your target.The backsight is before the frontsight.
This teaches us how, where we are coming from relates to where you are can tell a mans future from his present,his known  position.How you live your life today is a yardstick for measuring where you future.
When we talk of foresight,we are talking of insight into the future.According to survey,foresight is the reading taken looking forward to a new station,especially in leveling from a point of know elevation to a point, the elevation of which is to be determined.
A man who has a foresight has the ability to perceive the significance and nature of events before they occurred.Such people are needed in business organisations,for them not to get into transactions they will regret.

  • A man with foresight according to Luke 14:28,sits down to take a back-sight reading so he can tell if he will have enough to finish the project.
  • Men with foresight weight the cost,before jumping in.
  • men with foresight don’t live by assumptions,they face the reality and work it out.
  • men with foresight are prudent and diligent and the bible says they will stand before kings and not mere men.proverbs 22:29.
Sometimes God demands that we return back,take a backsight to be able to hit the right target.In Revelations he told us to return back to our first love,so that we can accurately locate our foresight,the future.
Revelations 2:4-6.
Develop a foresight and a backsight,know where you are coming from,don’t forget it,it will help you appreciate where you are and where you are going.
God caustioned the children of Israel not to forget where they are coming from,because it is in the nature of man to forget quickly.Deuteronomy 8:1-20(study)
Always remember where you are coming from,it will keep you in check, that where you are not is not  a function of what you did but that God brought you through by his mercies.
Jesus gave a parable of a servant who forgot where he was coming from and the end was the parable of the unmerciful servant matthew 18:21-35.
The back sight helps us to take caution, in the way we treatment of others,be careful how you treat others,cause you may meet them on your way up the ladder or down the ladder.

The perception of the significance and nature of events after they have occurred.The ability to understand after something has happened,knowing what should have been done or what caused the event.
Foresight is before an event occurs but hindsight is after it occurs.

There are some events that we cannot prevent but we must learn from.Another word for this is discernment,if you notice a word of knowledge can come before an event,a word of wisdom comes during the event and discernment is needed after an event has occurred.
Discernment is the understanding of the event and knowledge of what should have been done,or the cause of the event.
There are some professions that are preventive while others come after the event.until there is a murder we wont need a homicide detective.
Autopsy is usually carried out on dead bodies,to figure out likely cause of death,you don't perform Autopsy on a living body.
After plane crashes a blackbox becomes useful to be able to tell what actually happened,as far as we can find the black box we can know the cause or the events inside the air-craft,during its flight.
Every one, that will be successful will certainly go through some bad events in life,this is were our hindsight must come to play so that we can discern cause and be able to now profer ways to avoid it's re occurrence.
The eyes of Adam and eve was opened only after they had eaten the fruit.
Jesus had to die before some peoples eyes were opened and they received salvation.
If Jesus didn’t die many would never had been saved.
Hindsight could also refer to wisdom or knowledge gotten after an event,after something has happened(usually something bad).
We learn more from bad situations than from good ones.making money is easy but you sit down and think better when you loose some money.
How is it, that people think about making changes only after bad events occur,the bridge that is shaken no one fixes it until it falls down and people die,then something is done about it.
The man,Thomas Edison who discovered the electric light bulb tried 1000 times before he found out the secret,he said he found out 999ways on how not to make the light bulb.
Hindsight is vital for prevention.they say prevention is better  than cure.
Falling into a bad situation is okay,but did you learn anything in that situation,it might be useful for your future,no experience is useless,no page in a mans life is useless,cherish your experiences and learn from them.

The capacity to discern the true nature of things,the way they truly are.
Insight is very important for success in life.This is like having a deeper understanding of an event.
Jesus asked his disciples, who do you say that I am?,some said John the Baptist,others Elijah the prophet,but peter by the insight of the holy spirit,said "thou art the Christ,the son of the living God"Jesus said "flesh and blood have not revealed this to you,but my father in heaven and upon this rock I will build my church".
Insight is very vital for progress,insight can be developed from study and association.
Do not be a shallow man,knowledge is very vital for life,you cannot have understanding except you give time to study,and study.
Insight distinguishes you,it puts you on a different stand.
Great things are only discovered in the deep,to find oil you need to dig very deep,think about the time and money and effort put in digging as deep as 39,000feet.
Psalm 42:7 says, "Deep calls unto deep." Only a call from the depths can provoke a response from the depths. Nothing shallow can ever touch the depths, nor can anything superficial touch the inward parts. Only the deep will respond to the deep. Anything that does not issue from the depths cannot touch the depths
Great business is usually done in the deep seas,in the great waters.Psalm 107:23
Jesus took the disciples to the deep side of the river and asked them to cast their nets for a great catch,because great catch are only in the deep. Luke 5:1-8,John 5:21.
How much time do you spend in the study of the word,how much time do you spend in study of your course,you can only be different by digging deep.

Monday, 17 September 2012


question mark
There are two very important questions that will determine your success or failure in life,your knowledge of the answers will go a long way to tell how ready you are for your future.
We can not over emphasize the importance of preparation,preparation always precede success,show me a successful man and I will show you a prepared man.
I have seen situations where people are asked,if you were given a million dollars today,right now,what would you do with it?
A prepared man already knows,he doesn't say,I will bank the money first so I can think.
An unprepared man will miss the day of his visitation,will you be ready when what you have been praying for finally comes?
The story of the ten virgins,five was called wise and five foolish,great they were all virgins and undefiled,but the wise ones were prepared because they took extra olive oil but the foolish ones did not,when the bridegroom came,the wise ones where taken and the door was shut against the foolish ones.Matthew 25:1-13
There is no excuse for lack of preparation,the things you take for granted might be what will cause you to miss out on that day of your visitation.
Two very important questions,one was asked by Jesus the other by me,from the same story in Mark 10:42-52
QUESTION ONE - WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO FOR YOU?Blind Bartimaeus,the son of Timaeus,a blind beggar waiting for this opportunity that could bring about his healing and freedom from poverty.
Jesus the healer was in town,this was what he had been waiting for his life,now he is faced with Jesus that opportunity has presented itself.
Now faced with Jesus,I am sure Bartimaeus did not expect a question from Jesus but Jesus asked him,what can I do for you?
Blond Bartmaeus am sure has been waiting for this and he knew it was not time for stories,immediately he
That's all he wanted and immediately Jesus knew that Baertimaeus knew what he wanted.
Do you really know what you need,just one thing,if you were right before Jesus,and he asked you,would you not begin story telling,about how bad life has treated you,Bartimaeus knew it was his time and he could not mess with this opportunity,RABBI LET ME SEE AGAIN!
Jesus didn't have to pray,he said Go,your faith has healed you.
It is easy to minister to a prepared man or woman,are you prepared?
When Blind Bartimaeus heard that Jesus was in the area,and the bible says there was a crowd,Bartimaeus knew that he needed to do something crazy,something he normally won't do,the bible said he began to shout,Jesus,thou son of David,have mercy on me,and people around him tried to shut him up,but he got even more crazy and kept calling on Jesus,till Jesus stopped and asked the disciples to bring him.
He finally got the masters attention,imagine if he did nothing and just tried to be Mr. Nice guy,he would have missed his miracle.
He did the unusual to get his breakthrough,sometimes you must do what you have not done before to get what you have not gotten before,you want the unusual then do the unusual,how badly do you really want that breakthrough.
You can not be some body,when you spend all today eating and sleeping,you can not get that breakthrough without some sacrifice,how much are you willing to put in to bring your dreams to pass?
The woman with the issue of blood was in this kind of situation,the bible says though there was a crowd she refused to let the crowd stop her,she pressed through and touched the hem of Christ garment and she got healed.
Stop waiting move and take your miracle,if you really want it bad,don't let the crowd be a hindrance,use it as your stepping stone,how badly do you want it?

Sunday, 16 September 2012


And Joseph said unto them, Fear not: for [am] I in the place of God? But as for you, ye thought evil against me; [but] God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as [it is] this day, to save much people alive. Genesis 50:19-20.

images (32)

Forgiveness,no matter the reason not to forgive,will only drag you backwards in life,you think you hurt the one who you are carrying the hurt over,but you actually are hurting and doing more harm to yourself.
When you refuse to forgive others,you are in actions saying “Lord I don’t need your forgiveness”,refusing to forgive another is refusing the love of Christ over your life.
You loose more spiritually,physically and mentally when you carry hurts within you,in fact your health is threatened when you refuse to forgive another,you open yourself to depression and pain that can cause other problems to your body and mind.
You have the power within you to let go of the pain and the hurts,allow the holy spirit to help you and focus on the grace of God,you can let go,I know it hurts but you can do it,free your mind,free yourself of the hurts and pain,say to yourself today is the deadline,I part with my hurts and I forgive my hater.

Joseph was hurt by his brothers,nothing can be more painful,than when those you love hurt you,he was hated by those he loved,they tried to kill him,eventually sold him,he was sold twice but first by his blood brothers and then by the merchants.
Sold to the house of portiphar and finally imprisoned but in all this God had a plan,to bring him to greatness,they taught they had gotten rid of him,but they didn’t know they motivated him into his destiny.
Use the pain and the hurts,make it your stepping stone,make it your spring board to your destiny to greater heights,don’t settle in the pain and cry,instead bounce your ways up.
No time to be hurt,I have been hurt too and I know that the greatest battles we fight is not with the devil but within ourselves,you ask yourself why is this happening to you?

If you were not special it won’t happen to you,there is something about you,that folks cant understand,you are blessed even in the midst of the pain,God put something in you that makes you different,folks are envious that’s why they fight you and try to destroy you,focus all your pain not on those who hurt you but direct it to becoming a success in life.
If Joseph had spent all his time crying and wailing,he would not have succeeded,maybe he would have killed himself,and died a nobody,but when he was thrown in the pit,he held on to his dreams,when he was sold,he still held on,when he was thrown in prison and lied on he still held on to his dreams,and he never carried his hurts in his relationships with people,but he kept on helping because he knows that promotion comes from God.
Finally Joseph was in the palace,a Prime minister in Egypt,blessed beyond recognition,just wait a minute if he had killed himself,he would not have made it but he kept his faith in God and never stopped,he didn’t give up on God,he held on,he knew God was up to something,he knew where he is coming from,he knows he is blessed.
You are too blessed to stay hurt and offended,carry a stale face all over the place,keeping grudge on those that hurt you and not smiling when you see them,you hate them so much that if you had your way,you would have killed them,don’t put your life on the hold because of someone who hurt you,put all your energy on where you are going,focus on your future,gather all the pain and say to yourself,I will succeed against all odds.

Forgive all your haters,love them and not hate them,you can do it,you are too blessed to be hurt,don’t waste your time hating on someone who asked for forgiveneness,don’t waste your time hating on someone who God already forgave,God will not join you in the hate galore,forgive and move on with your life.
You got no time and too much to loose hating,you are too blessed to be hurt,no time my dear brother and sister,you got too much on the inside of you,begin to harness your gifts and potentials,give it all the best and succeed,you are too blessed to be hurt.
Those who hurt you,when they see you are doing well,they will be uncomfortable,I dare you to forgive and see what God will do,he said,I will give you double for your troubles,when you forgive,you open the door of double portion blessing on your life,you are too blessed to carry hurts,let God and let God.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012


"For ALL the Promises of God in Him [Christ Jesus] are Yea, and in Him Amen,unto the Glory of God by us"2Corinthians 1:20.

John 19:21-22 

 Jesus was about to be crucified and pilate had written on the cross of Jesus the tittle king of the Jews. The chief priest asked pilate to wipe it off,because Jesus didn't qualify to be called that. But pilate made a profound statement and that would be my emphasis,he replied,What is written is written. I am sure they were disappointed,that pilate refuse,Jesus said,I AM KING OF THE JEWS! Though he was crucified he was crucified King of the Jews.
 I dare to say to you,that what God has written concerning you is written and will not be changed,you may not be qualified but he chose you and there's nothing man can do about it. He is not man,that he should like,or change his mind,you are what God says you are no matter your present circumstance.

 His word about you,is stronger than your present circumstance,dont allow your conditipn make you loose your real identity,Jesus held on to who he is even in the face of death,I am the king of the Jews. Hold on to your profession of faith,you are who God says you are,Gideon though in hiding was called,Thou mighty man of valour,sometimes we forget who we are in the face of adversity.

 You are Gods son,born not of flesh and blood,born of God,thats what the bible says. Ye are gods,a son of a God is a god,your father created the earth and gave it to you as your inheritance. You are a heir,a king in waiting,dont forget who you are,God never changed his mind.

Monday, 10 September 2012


looking for dirt

Words are very powerful,they will either build or destroy,that is why we must be careful,what we accept into our lives and what we receive through our ear gates.

The words you receive will certainly affect your life,especially if you receive and accept them,let us take a look at how powerful spoken words are,especially when received and accepted.

Jesus said in John 6:63 " It is the Spirit Who gives life [He is the Life-giver]; the flesh conveys no benefit whatever [there is no profit in it]. The words (truths) that I have been speaking to you are spirit and life."

The words that i speak are Holy Spirit motivated,inspired and it gives life,the life spoken of here is not the natural life,that fades with time but the Zoë life,the God kind of life,that is eternal and never dies,the life that is only renewed by the days,it gets better.

The life of God that we receive in Christ Jesus can only get better and better,the bible says that “the path of the righteous can only get brighter and brighter”,we grow from glory to glory and from grace to grace,as we receive the word of God into our spirit.

It is the Spirit,who quickens,speaking of the Holy Spirit and he does that through the spoken word of God,as we receive into our hearts the spoken word of God,in Greek the Rhema of God,our spirits are made alive,quickened and the bible says if that spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives in us,he will quicken our mortal bodies.

So we can experience eternal life even here in this world,through the word of God and the life giving Spirit that we received when we accepted Jesus as lord and savior.

The spoken word has the power to give life or bring death,that's why the bible says that,death and life are in the power of the tongue,there is so much power in our tongue,when you speak a word from your heart,you need to realize that you didnt just speak but you released a spirit.

Someone once said,we can only give what we are and not what we have.Think about that,we can only release what we are,further said out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh,you can only release what you are.

The bible says “For a good tree does not bear bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. 44 For every tree is known by its own fruit. For men do not gather figs from thorns, nor do they gather grapes from a bramble bush. A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks."Luke 6:43-45

A good man out of the good treasure in his heart,brings forth good and a evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil,you can only produce what you are.A good tree will produce a good fruit,for every tree is known by his fruit,and your mouth is the exit point for the intents of your heart,out of the abundance of your heart,the mouth speaks.

So when you speak a word,you have just released something that will either build or destroy,but you speak what you are,what you have stored up inside of your heart.We must be careful what we say and what we receive into our hearts.

We are snared by the words of our mouth,that is what Proverbs 6:2 says,in other words the words spoken by others against us,to do us harm or to discredit us,can not have any effect on us if we refuse it and not accept it.

We must guard our hearts the Bible says,for out of it flows the issues of life.Close you ear gates to any spoken word that does not edify you,any spoken word that brings you down and causes you not to be productive,close your ears to them.

Guard your heart,protect your heart from negative people,people who only point out the fault in you so as to hurt you and make your inactive,words are powerful,but only when accepted.

That is why we must acquaint ourselves more with the words of God,the spoken word of God.
The word is neigh thee,its in your mouth,the word that will bring your progress is in your mouth,when you accept and declare to your self negative words you will be trapped by those words,but instead speak positive words to your life,your life will align to the words of your mouth.

The word of God as powerful as it is may not work any good in your life,except it is heard and believed.With the heart man believes and with the mouth confession is made unto righteousness.

We need to realize that there is a word already spoken over our lives before the foundation of the world.The scriptures says that the plans i have for you are not evil but good,so that you will have a hope and a future.

These words are found in the word of God and when we align our thoughts and life according to the spoken word ,you will have good success.

Joshua was told to spend time and meditate on these words,to meditate doesn't only mean to think on but to also mutter to yourself the word of God,and as he does that he will have good success.Joshua 1:8.

There is a word of prophecy spoken over your life,seek and find that word,once you discover it and begin to live by it,you will find good success.

Jesus came to live the spoken word over his life,everything he did here on earth was according to the word spoken over his life,so that prophesy could be fulfilled.

Psalm 139:16 " Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your
book they all were written, The days fashioned for me, When as yet there were none of them"

God has fashioned out the life you should leave,there is a book that contains that and that is the word of God,to find out that path that has been set out for you to live,you need to get acquainted with the word of God.

There is a word spoken over your life,stop believing the negative words people speak to you,start speaking the words already spoken about you in the word of God.

Our progress in life is always connected to words.The mindset that we have today came as a result of a word,our habits and even the way of life we live now,came as a result of words that have been spoken over our lives,that we accepted and walked with.

The words that a father speaks over the life of his little child as they grow up will go along way to affect them positively or negatively.

When a negative word is spoken we need to realize that the spirit of the power of the air,picks up that word and makes it effective in the life of the person its spoken over,especially if that person is not a believer.

Words are powerful because of the spirit backing every word and there is a spirit backing every word,the Holy Spirit backs up the word of the believer,especially good words,and the devil backs up evil words.

Every good and perfect gift comes from above,from the father of light,every good gift,that means bad gifts do not come from God.

The prophets word is known to be heaven inspired and totally backed by God.By a prophet here i mean someone called by God to do his work,it could be your pastor,a man of God as they are called.

It is important that we know a prophet has heavens backing.

I remember the story in 1Samuel 1,about the Family of Elkanah,who had two wives,Hannah and Peninnah,Peninnah was blessed with children but Hannah was barren and without child,it was recorded that Peninnah would mock Hannah and she did it continuously till Hannah was vexed,she began going to the temple to seek the face of God,until one time when she went to pray,she was muttering words as if she was drunk,then the priest noticed her and asked why she was drunk in the day time.

She opened her mouth and told him,that she was not drunk but was depressed because of her barrenness,the bible didnt even say the priest prayed for her,it records that he told her Go in peace and may God grant your petition,she belived the word of the priest and went home,not too long she was with child,but this happened only after her encounter with the priest.

2Chronicles 20:20 says,believe in my prophets and you will prosper,our prosperity is tied to the words of your prophet.When the prophet speaks he speaks Gods mind,and he speaks a word in the right season,there is nothing as good as a word spoken in the right time.

Another story is in Luke 5,where Peter and his brothers,had just finished fishing and caught nothing,but Jesus asked them to set out again but they said,we have toiled all night but caught nothing,but Jesus insisted and Peter said at thy word,and they had a net breaking,boat sinking catch.

The words we give ourselves to,will go in a long way to affect us positively or negatively,discard any word from you that brings you down and makes you depressed,don't spend anytime with people who only bring to light to your flaws and mistakes,but stay around those who encourage and bring the best out of you,no matter who they are.

Sunday, 2 September 2012


Like attracts like.
Whatever the conscious mind thinks and believes.
the subconscious identically creates.
~ Brian Adams (from 'How To Succeed')

The atmosphere is the air or climate in a place.When i talk about changing your atmosphere i am talking about changing the air around you.

We all carry a certain air around us and the air we carry around us moves with us where ever we go with a certain aroma,and this aroma attracts either good or bad.

We must realize that our atmosphere determines what comes to us,there are some people who have a very strange atmosphere around them,that where ever they are or go they attract only something bad.

I used to know someone that actually always attracts bad,where ever he is ,something bad actually happens and everyone knew him that where ever he was something will always go wrong,especially a fight and there are some of us who actually face situations and they have concluded that  bad luck follows them,that something bad always happens to them,I would like to show you a way how you can actually change your atmosphere and begin to practically attract good instead of evil.

The bible which is Gods word,shows us how we can do that,let us look at few ways how you can change your atmosphere:

This is so important for us if we will actually have success in changing our atmosphere.
The way we think about ourselves smells around us like a perfume,the Bible in Proverbs 23:7 says  “For as a man thinketh in his heart,so his he” the main word here is thinketh or thinks,that word is shaar which means to calculate,to reckon,to estimate.

The question now is,what is the estimation of yourself,how do you think of yourself?
You are exactly the way you think,you cannot separate a man from his mindset.That’s why the bible says “out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh” Luke 6:45,in other words,your mouth will only release what is in your heart.

The way we think about ourselves,will affect the direction of our lives,you cannot go further than your mindset.If you are going to change your atmosphere you must change the way you think.

Sometimes we allow ourselves to accept peoples estimation of us,other peoples estimation maybe a result of a one time event or performance,but you are not exactly what people say but what you believe,when you start accepting and believing peoples conclusion of you,you start becoming what they say you are.

Start changing what you keep your thoughts on and what you believe about yourself,think right,focus on what will build your life and not what will pull you down.

The book of Philipians 4:8 shows us things to focus our minds on,lets see “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things [are] honest, whatsoever things [are] just, whatsoever things [are] pure, whatsoever things [are] lovely, whatsoever things [are] of good report; if [there be] any virtue, and if [there be] any praise, think on these things”

If there be any virtue and if there be any praise,think on these things,so the standard for your thoughts should be,is there any virtue,is there any praise? if you find non don’t waste your mind on them,fix on your mind on those things,that edify you,that lifts you up,I say think forward.

The mistake we make is when we wait on others to commend us and make us feel happy,I know from experience,that something people are not good at is to always commend and encourage you,you need to have the right mindset about you because no one will make you feel better,encourage yourself and have the right idea about who you really think positive about yourself,change how you think.

Finally you are not what people say you are,you are what God says you are,that’s why the best book to read so as to get the right idea about you is the bible,the bible shows you the thoughts of God towards you,he said and I love this scripture “my thoughts for you are good and not evil,to give you a hope and a future”  Jeremiah 29:11.

That’s how he thinks about you,he loves you,so when others say something bad,tell them I am who God says I am,I am the blood bought child of God,if you were not important and special and priceless,God would not have sent his son,his only begotten son to die for you,you are special,a royal priesthood,a holy nation,you were chosen before the foundation of the world to show forth Gods glory,you are special.

Change how you think,stop playing pity party,people don’t want to stay around those who are always sad,you won’t attract help staying sad,start changing your perception of yourself,right now,you are blessed and not cursed,you are the apple of Gods eyes,Gods special baby,start meditating on those things and you will see how your atmosphere will begin to change.

Don’t give the devil a foothold,something to hold unto,some people feel bad about themselves that they commit suicide,don’t let the devil use your thoughts to bring depression on yourself,you now live on drugs to help you be happy,that you become addicted to it and soon it kills you,the word of God is medicine for your soul,it has power to change your thoughts and your life forever.

The bible says “ For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” the word has the ability to work in your mind and deal with the depression and pain in your heart.

The word is alive and active,the word of God is full of enough life to energize and revitalize you,the word here is the spoken word of God,when you receive the spoken word into your spirit,it causes you to come alive,to be refreshed,strengthened and stronger,it takes always the inactivity in you causes you to become alive,that’s the word of God.

Start thinking on the word,pick up a scripture daily and meditate on it and see how your life will change,as you feed your spirit with the word,feed your spirit with songs that uplift you and edify you,not those that will make you think evil,you can change your atmosphere and start to attract only positivity and good,you attract what you respect,start thinking right and see the power that your thoughts will produce.

Receive the word of God that is able to save your souls,Gods word has the power to save your souls,I dare you to start seeing yourself as the word of God sees you,blessed,fulfilled,a success,wealthy and not poor,a giver and not a borrower,a blessing and not a curse,you are totally who God says you are,change your atmosphere.

Joshua 1:8 says  “ This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success”

The book of the law “the word of God” as you meditate on it day and night,you will be careful to do what it says,you shall be prosperous and have good success.