Sight speaks of our senses what we see,what we can feel.when a man walks in his sight he is walking in the natural.
God gave us our senses to help us relate to the earth.we are in this world though not of this world.
The faith sight,rules all the others,the faith sight is the sight that operates from the supernatural.The supernatural rules the natural,so we must develop our faith sight,which is the sixth sense.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.Hebrews 11:1
Our senses relates only to things they can either see or fee,but men of faith walk on what is not seen,because what is not seen is eternal.2Corinthians 4:18.
How can you achieve your vision,your purpose without faith in God?
“By faith,Abraham,when called to go to a place,he would later receive as his inheritance,obeyed and went,even though he didn't know where he was going..” Hebrews 11:8Sometimes God would ask you to do something unusual - God asked Abraham to kill his son Isaac and Abraham obeyed,he asked Abraham to leave his kindred and family,Abraham obeyed,he told Abraham that Sarah though she was barren would give birth to child,the bible says Abraham believed God and it was credited to him for righteousness.Romans 4:3,Genesis 15:6.
If you will be great in this life you must have this reckless,on the word of God; faith that Abraham had,such that he was called the father of faith,a man of faith.Galatians 3:9
Sometimes demands are placed on us,your faith must be tested and tried.
What kind of life do you want to live,extra-ordinary men are ordinary people who did extraordinary things,Abraham was an ordinary man who believed God and held on to his word.You want to go to where you have never been do what you have never done.DAVID A MAN OF SACRIFICE
David was a man of faith he said I will not give to God what cost me nothing,great people make great sacrifices.
What are you willing to give to get you to your destiny.everybody wants to have a good life but no one wants to make the sacrifices,greatness can never be achieved without some level of sacrifice.
Democracy experienced in most parts of Africa today,some men gave their lives for it,what are you willing to give your life for?
Jesus gave his life,Paul said my life is nothing for the gospels sake.If you have nothing you can die for,then you have nothing to live for,then you are going to be ordinary.Check out the great people of faith mentioned in Hebrews 11,they were all ordinary people,from Enoch to Noah, to Abraham,to Isaac,to Jacob,to Joseph,to Moses,to Rahab,Gideon,Barak,Samson,Jepthah,David,Samuel,and the prophets,they were all ordinary people who did extraordinary things they risked their lives for their faith and purpose in God.
What kind of faith do you have in GOD?
With all their sacrifices they received only commendation but not the promise,they are not made perfect except we rise up and run with the baton.Hebrews 12:1-2;tells us that they are watching us,calling on us to run,because the baton has been passed to us,its now our time and turn.
Imagine we are in a relay,they have done their part and passed the baton on to us,they started well and passed the baton well,now its our turn to finish.
Men of faith always sacrifice something to get something greater.
- Throw off everything that entangles and the sin that so easily besets us
- Run with perseverance the race set before us,cause its not going to be easy,it will be tough.
- Fix our eyes on Jesus,totally not on anyone else
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