Monday 20 August 2012


“Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things [are] possible to him that believeth.” Mark 9:23

man on water
It is easy to say for with God all things are possible,yes the responsibility is on God to do the impossible,and he is a God that makes impossible to become possible.We all face some situations that seem to be stubborn and look impossible but with God all things are possible.No matter the situation if God is on your side you can turn that impossible situation around.
The bible says in Luke 1:37 “for with God nothing shall be impossible”
when we read scriptures we must read carefully,it didn’t use the word “somethings shall be impossible”,it didn’t use “few things shall be impossible”,it used nothing shall be impossible,with God.There is no further explanation to this scripture, it is self explanatory,nothing shall be impossible.
I am sure you know what the word nothing and impossible mean,but just to help throw more light,I would define the words.
The word Nothing means “ something that has no existence; something that has no substance or importance- a nonentity.the absence of anything.”
And the word Impossible means “not capable of been accomplished; extremely difficult to deal with or tolerate.”
So simply put with God impossible doesn’t exist.In Gods dictionary there is nothing like impossible.
No matter the situation proving difficult,never categorize it as impossible,impossible doesn’t exist,if you have God wipe it out of your vocabulary,that’s why I turned it to mean I’M POSSIBLE.
The word only exist with men,I mean those men that are not with God,Jesus said of such people,that its impossible.For with God ALL THINGS are possible,everything,there is nothing in life that’s not possible with God.
Now with men somethings are possible,but not all things even with all the wealth,somethings are not possible with men.
God doesn’t worry about those things men can handle,that’s why scriptures say those things that are impossible with men are possible with God.God starts from mans impotency,as men we are weak and have weakness,but the man with God is above all weakness.
So how can we get to the rein where we can do the impossible,its okay with for with God all things are possible,yes God can do all things but I have learnt that a true leader wants you to be able to do all he can do and much more,if truly we have all of God in us then we should be able to do the impossible too,if our God could create then we have creative ability,so if our father is a God of possibilities then we are people of possibilities.


double edged sword
I would like to define faith as a double edged sword,it is Acting on what you believe,so the double edge sword is believe and your actions.
Faith is an action word,just believing and confessing is not enough,until you Do it its not faith.Faith is a now word,not I will be,that is a future word,that is hope,faith says now I am healed, now I am delivered,then you start acting it.
In mark 11:24,when you pray you believe you received it,you shall have it” it didn’t say if you believe you will have it it said if you desire a thing pray,believe that you received it then you will have it.

Mark 9:23 “to him that believes all things shall be possible”
so the first thing you need to do is believe,the word believe here is a verb a doing word,an action word just like the word faith is an action word,it is translated from the greek pisteuo meaning ; to be persuaded;to credit;to place confidence in.
Another translation says if you have faith,so if you must do the impossible you got to have faith in God,your confidence on the word of God,the disciples had difficulty with casting out a spirit from a boy who had been tormented for a while,but Jesus said if you believe,you can do the impossible,so the impossible is not something left alone for God,if you believe,you can do the impossible;do you really believe?
The size of your faith is not the issue,we must realise that when we gave our hearts to christ we all received the same measure of faith but our growth is dependent on us.But to do the impossible you don’t need to have great faith,faith in God is powerful for any situation,if you can believe and apply it on that situation,you will see results.
All you need to do is believe,that means unbelief restricts us from doing the impossible.
We restrict God when we walk in unbelief.The bible says that the Israelites “limited God because of their unbelief” ,and “Jesus could do not much miracles because of the unbelief of the people in his town.”
How then can I receive faith? when I accept Jesus as my lord and saviour.
How can I grow my faith?  by hearing the word of God consistently and putting it to practice.
So all things can be possible if you believe,all things not somethings or few things all things.

Just believing is not enough but doing the word is what brings the word to manifestation.Doing brings the manifestation of the word,so just believing it and confessing it is not enough but doing,that’s where faith is faith in the doing.
That’s why faith is defined as “Acting on what you believe” so confession is a part of acting but the actual acting is doing what you confessed,let me give you a clear example;
Jesus walked on water,ok its jesus he is God so its easy for him to walk on water,but when the disciples saw him they weren’t sure even when he said “its I don’t be afraid”,so Peter being the forward guy said,I know that, Jesus can walk on water and he can make me walk on water too,so if you are him,bid me come to you,so Jesus said come,then peter obeyed and he too walked on water,if Peter didn’t obey he wouldn’t have walked on water,now he walked on water for a short time because he saw the boisterous wind and his faith wavered so he began to sink,the bible says.
What does this tell us if you can do,that is Act on the word,what the word says,you can see impossible turning possible.
After Jesus ,Peter was the only other person that walked on water,because he belived and acted on his belief.
So if you can believe as well,then nothing shall be impossibl with you,you can do the things God can do and even more.
If its possible with God,then its not wrong to say its also possible with you,just believe and act on it.
The doctors may say you have an incurable disease,say that by his stripes I was healed and the act healed,do those things you were told not to do,because just believing without acting isnt enough but be sure you believe,if you don’t have enough faith for that level,go see the doctor.
Abrahams faith in God got him greatness,he obeyed God he was gonna kill his son Isaac,if God had not stopped him,do you see that level of faith,Abraham was allowed to taste the powers of the future because he acted on his faith he believed God and acted on it and it was credited to him as righteousness.
Faith is acting on the word,the word of God is a double edged sword,so is faith,believing and acting on what you believe,all impossibilities disappear when you act on the word of God.Faith is totally acting on the word of God.

Scriptures : Mark 6:45-52;Mark 9:23;Mark 10:27;Mark 11:24;Mark 17:20;Mark 19:26;Luke 1:37;Hebrews 4:12

1 comment:

  1. Interesting piece! I like your definition of the word, 'IMPOSSIBILE' - I'M POSSIBLE. Indeed, faith is more than a principle, it's a lifestyle.
